No More Contingent Offers!

One of the challenges that we’re seeing in the real estate market is that potential sellers are hesitant to sell because they worry that they will be able to buy their next home. We can do a lot of things to make sure that the sellers have somewhere to move to. 

Guild Mortgage has just made the lives of REALTORs a lot easier. Guild has brought a great program for sellers to buy their next home: a bridge loan. This is what they say:

“Guild has introduced its very own Bridge loans to help you motivate more listings, overcome client fears in a tight inventory market, and make stronger non-contingent offers.

Guild’s Bridge loans allow homeowners to potentially qualify for the next purchase without counting the debt of the home to be sold, while also allowing them to use the existing home equity as down payment on the new home before selling.”

For those that may not qualify for a true bridge loan, there are other options. The first, and still completely reasonable, is writing your purchase offer subject to the sale of your home. It is completely valid to make the offer with that contingency. People do it every single day. Guild has some other suggestions.

  • Using Heloc to fund down payment and avoid contingent offers (must do before listed)
  • Using retirement accounts to generate immediate qualifying income allowing to qualify for new purchase before selling
  • Utilizing trust income (with no regard to how recent the Trust was created) to qualify non-contingent
  • Rental credit on departing residence if retained to avoid contingent offers
  • Self-employed financing strategies to potentially increase qualifying amounts

So, if you’re even thinking about selling your home and moving into something new, give me a call. We’ll chat about your options as both a seller and a buyer and how we can turn one into the other. We’ll also call Guild because they are great and get the job done.