How to dispose of fall leaves

We all know that leaving dead leaves leaves your lea… trees susceptible to disease. This Old House leaves some hints on how to dispose of your leaves.
“The most environmentally conscious thing to do is to leave the leaves on your lawn,” says Kurt Morrell of the New York Botanical Garden. Leaves, when left to decay in the street, will release phosphorous, which can find its way into storm drains and waterways—better to shred them finely with a mulching mower and let them fertilize the lawn. Or rake choppings under shrubs and onto flower and vegetable beds as mulch.
Decaying leaves also generate carbon, which helps spin food scraps into “black gold”—good for the gardener and for the garbage collector. In a mixed pile, keep the ratio of dead leaves to grass clippings at about 2-to-1. Spread the leaves on top so they can soak up the moisture in food scraps and help keep a lid on odors; turn over regularly to discourage pests. Or just compost the leaves alone in a pile to make leaf mold.
[Portland has our awesome green cans, you can just put the leaves in there. The can weight limit is 135lbs. Additional Kraft paper bags, cans or bundles may be put out for an additional $3.75 each]. Be sure you know what bags are acceptable—usually those made from paper or biodegradable plant starch (like BioBag Lawn & Leaf Bags, $9.99; Target).